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Hello there my creative friend!!!

Ok, wait a minute... Did you just say to yourself I'm actually not that creative? Ok first of all YOU ARE CREATIVE!!! You are most likely visiting me here because you have a DESIRE to learn more about some aspect of creativity. I don't believe that God, The Universe, Your higher power, or whatever you want to call that divine creation would have put that desire in your heart if you didn't have the ability to act on it in some way or another. Secondly, Creativity is kinda like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets.

I am Cat and I am a fluid abstract artist who creates bold and colorful creations. Do you want to create boldly too? Well, I am here for you because I love to inspire, encourage, and teach.

I spent a good part of my life ignoring my need for creativity and once I let that part of my life shine thru I have never looked back. I want to help you live a more creative life and create boldly!!! 

You will see all of my current courses and offerings below. You may want to start with Alcohol inks for newbies ( FREE ) or you are needing some support with your small creative business. Maybe you want to be bold right out of the gate and jump into a course!!!

You go, girl!!! 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 🙌🏻 I'm here for you!

Thanks again for joining me here!

Your creative friend, Cat 

Available Products

Alcohol ink art for newbies... FREE COURSE

Do you see all of those vibrant inky creations online and wonder how they are created? 

This was me about 3 years ago? I was so curious and spent way more time than I would like to admit on Instagram and Youtube learning about this awesome medium. I eventually purchased advanced training and have been developing my skills for a couple of years now.

Alcohol Inks are vivid, fluid, and full of possibility and I want to get you started with this beautiful art form. 

I created this little course to give you all of the basics of the supplies you need ( Video and PDF printable ) safety precautions, instructions about using the inks, and how to seal your inks correctly so that the inks don't fade over time. 

Click here to learn more

Alcohol Ink Holiday Ornaments Course

Learn to create one-of-a-kind alcohol ink ornaments for gifts or cherished handmade art for your own tree. I will cover how to stay safe with alcohol inks, a complete supply list, step-by-step videos, and how to properly seal your ornaments so that they are protected for many years of enjoyment.

Boho Blended Paint Finish

Are you tired of painting everything white? Are you ready to create gorgeous colorful layered finishes that make everyone swoon and wonder...How did she do that? You have watched all of the free videos but are still at a loss at how to create an artistic layered finish, am I right? Let me show you how to get the blended layered boho look you want to create.

My Products Available Products
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